Shop Background Checks

Miscellaneous Checks

Educationfrom just ₹500

First, we will check if the university/college is listed as banned or debarred in our database as well as UGC's databases. We then verify the authenticity of your degree or marksheet from the issuing authority. The modus operandi involves verification from online government/university databases, wherever possible. We may also get confirmation via the official email of the university's registrar. We can also send our field investigation officer to the university to verify if the candidate's data is available on their records. The proof of verification will be attached in the final report.

Information needed: Date of examination, Graduation date, Registration number, Roll number, Name , Course name, Date of birth

Documents: Degree certificate, Consolidated marksheet, Convocation certificate

Resumefrom just ₹1,000

We connect with university and company and verify the details mentioned in resume are correct along with specification and extra courses and all other details mention on resume

Documents: Resume


Employment Checks

Employment (Past 5 years)from just ₹1,500

Verification of previous employment details like designation, tenure, CTC and reason for leaving, from the previous employer's HR department. Verification details will be obtained as per the employer's policies.

Employment Check
Employment (one employer)from just ₹1,500

We connect with the company and verify all provided details , additionally we ask for good and bad remark, F&F is closed or not and also check if candidate is eligible to rehire or not, reason for not hiring again.

Information needed: Date of joining, Designation, Employee Id, Company name, Reason for leaving

Documents: Reliving letter, Experience letter, Service letter


Address Checks

Physical addressfrom just ₹650

In-person verification of the candidate's current or permanent address by Millow's verification officer. We visit the location and capture the photo of the house & landmark. The field agent also clicks a selfie and captures the geo coordinates. We confirm all parameters which may include the tenure and ownership.

Information needed: Address, Contact number

Documents: Aadhar card, Rental agreement

Remote Addressfrom just ₹1,000

The candidate must log in to our portal and give us consent to collect the IP address and geo-coordinates. We then match them up to the claimed address.

Information needed: Address, Contact number, Email

Documents: Aadhar card, Rental agreement


Adverse Media Checks

Adverse Media Searchfrom just ₹750

Adverse media, or negative news, is unfavourable news or information that can be found in premium subscription-based databases. It includes allegations published by news sources and other publications that report on convictions, alleged involvement in money laundering, corruption, sanctions exposure, threat financing or other unlawful activity.

Adverse Media

Credit Checks

CIBIL (Individual)from just ₹300

We check the credit history of the candidate using a reputed bureau like TransUnion, who provide a CIBIL report which includes the credit score, histories, delinquencies etc. We will mention the financial risk level through our color-coded report.

Information needed: PAN card number

Documents: PAN card


Education Checks

Forged Degreefrom just ₹500

Degree certicate will be veried basis our anti-forgery triggers. Verication from University will not be provided in this package.

Forgery Detection

Reference Check Checks

Integrity check from professional reference of the candidate.

Information needed: Reference Name, Reference cell number, Reference email

Reference Check

Identity Checks

Identityfrom just ₹200

We verify with vendor or inhouse if the document is real or fake

Information needed: Aadhar card number, PAN card number

Documents: Aadhar card, PAN card

Passportfrom just ₹450

We verify the passport based on the passport file number and check its authenticity.

Information needed: Passport file number

Documents: Passport


Drug Panel Checks

5-panel Drug Testfrom just ₹1,500

Sample pickup service from candidate's home and lab report provision. Drug panel-5 uses urine as the sample to test for the presence of commonly abused drugs, such as amphetamine, cocaine, opiates, tetrahydrocannabinol.

Information needed: Current address, Contact number

Documents: Rental agreement


Sanctions Checks

Police records (CBI) search for most-wanted criminals.

CBI Check
Global Databasefrom just ₹550

Search based on premium database subscriptions of heightened risk individuals & organizations. We use 100,000+ data sources.

Information needed: Candidate Full Name, Father's Full Name, Pan Card

Global Database Check

Court Checks

Enhanced Criminal Recordfrom just ₹2,500

We will access cases from the Supreme Court, High Court, District Court & Tribunals and report even close matches. We will leverage premium subscription-based databases, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), our AI-based portal and our in-house bar council attorney.

Information needed: Father's Name, Candidate's Full Name, Past 5 Addresses

Enhanced Criminal Record Check